Print on Canvas, 73 x 130 cm

"Erlesen" - pensées of the project
Language ist a creative power given to man. By communication language advances the other´s mental activity. Thinking as constructive motor creates new realities. Autonomous thinking leads man into independence. Based on the fact that language advances people´s independence the project "Erlesen" examines the principle of communication.

Negligence of the word is negligence of independence
Human independence is rooted in the quality of information and communication. Modern media displaces the word by quick images. The quickly consumed information, which is prepared strikingly in huge amounts leads into a lethargy of thinking. Information offered by modern media is anymore developed, discussed and reflected - not examined, questioned and critically observed by the consumer.
However where the word is neglected, not only the autonomous thinking disappears but also the independence of action.

Only the word which is worked out by effort is independent and autonomous
The project "Erlesen" reminds the value of the word. It disposes the hypothesis, that the word which is worked out by effort unfolds it`s merit in the consumer: information which is offered in the project by encrypted lyrics written on banners can be gathered consciously and diligently.

"Erlesen" is a pleading for the regaining of word by one`s own initiative.

Copyright Christine Olbrich